OneEvent Technologies is at the Property & Casualty Insurers Association of America’s Annual Meeting this week through Thursday, Oct. 28, in Hollywood, Fla., where its staff is exhibiting and setting up agreements with property & casualty insurers for the installation of pilot systems. insurance image - for web

OneEvent’s solution provides great potential for the P&C insurance industry because it minimizes losses, enables premium reduction and increases the bottom line of the insurance industry. The OneEvent automation system bridges existing automation, security, life safety and other systems. It can connect, and read, data from almost any sensor, alarm device or automation control used in today’s buildings and homes. The system sends this data to our secure cloud, where it is analyzed and acted upon in real time. Our servers utilize machine learning to identify behavior patterns that allow the system to learn about our customers’ environments and routines, and to recognize when something’s out of the ordinary, which encourages owners to change their behaviors. In addition, property owners, first responders and other parties receive an alert at the first sign of a potentially catastrophic event and in many cases can be alerted before an event to prevent loss from occurring.

The OneEvent solution can predict fire risk; alert property owners to a leak, flooding, a draft and other incidents; alert families when an older adult stops moving normally around his/her home; and more.

Michael Schultz, our vice president of business development and strategic partnerships, is representing OneEvent on the PCIAA exhibit floor and invites attendees to stop by the OneEvent booth to learn more about the technology. Please send us a message through our Contact Us page if you’d like to set up a specific time to talk with him.