Refrigeration Temperature Monitoring Systems

Remote cellular wireless refrigeration temperature monitoring systems that not only alert, but predict and prevent problems and inventory loss.

Just Some of the Customers that Rely on OneEvent

Remote Refrigeration Monitoring.
Real-Time Alerts.

Refrigeration Monitoring App Locations​OneEvent ® System provides remote refrigeration monitoring in two ways. First, the OneEvent® System, using Internet of Things technology (IoT) provides remote wireless temperature monitoring systems for coolers, freezers, and refrigeration environments through a cellular gateway. Data is collected from temperature and door sensors and is stored and analyzed in the cloud. When OneEvent learns a temperature has exceeded your pre-set limits, you get notified.

Predict Problems.
Up to 30 Days in Advance.

Refrigeration monitoring app​The OneEvent algorithm and our predictive analytics system, Thermo Heartbeat, provides the second method of remote refrigeration monitoring protection. By collecting and analyzing data with predictive analytics, OneEvent’s Thermo Heartbeat™ detects whether a refrigerator or freezer is having issues maintaining proper temperature and can predict if a unit will exceed its temperature limits up to 30 days in advance. The Thermo Heartbeat™ technology can help prevent loss and business interruption and eliminate rush-repair charges.

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Learn What OneEvent Can Do.

Cellular Gateway

To assure the most stable and secure method to collect and transfer refrigeration monitoring system data to the cloud, OneEvent® uses Cellular (LTE CAT-M1) in place of Wi-Fi. Since no configuration is required, a cellular-based remote refrigeration monitoring system connects automatically with out-of-the-box simplicity. With OneEvent’s cellular gateway you can monitor hundreds of sensors providing comprehensive protection and reliable connectivity.

Thermo Heartbeat™

By collecting and analyzing refrigeration monitoring system data with predictive analytics, the OneEvent® system can detect whether a refrigerator or freezer has issues maintaining proper temperature and can predict if a unit’s temperature will go above or below its pre-set limits days in advance of doing so.

The Thermo Heartbeat™ algorithm’s advance notification allows users to take action to protect their inventory in advance of a critical situation. Aside from protecting vital inventory, OneEvent’s advance notice of potential issues reduces the strain on staff and reduces costs from expensive after-hours or rush service charges.

Remote Wireless Monitoring

The OneEvent® system, using Internet of Things technology (IoT), provides remote wireless temperature monitoring systems for coolers, freezers, and refrigeration environments through a cellular gateway. Data is collected from temperature and door sensors and is stored and analyzed in the cloud. When OneEvent learns a temperature has exceeded your pre-set limits, you get notified.

Automated Temperature Logs

Save time and money with automated refrigeration logs. Assure compliance and replace refrigeration monitoring paper logs with OneEvent’s remote wireless temperature monitoring system. Data is automatically uploaded into the cloud via our Cellular Gateway. Automated reports are emailed at your convenience with the accurate, timely and specific data you need to assure compliance and safety.

OneEvent Technologies

A single event can change your life, and livelihood.

You have sensors, systems and alarms. That’s a good start but alarms only go off after something bad has happened. OneEvent can predict, alert and prevent disasters before they occur.

Get more than just data. OneEvent Technologies provides environmental monitoring with predictive analytics to give you more. From cooler health alerts to early fire prediction, no other company provides the full range of actionable information to keep your people and property safe.

Preventive Power and Value For:


OneEvent is empowering businesses to proactively protect their most vital assets – their property and people while reducing insurance claims, costs and downtime.


When OneEvent senses important changes in your home’s environment, you get notified. That’s a powerful thing that provides proactive protection and peace of mind.


Using machine learning capabilities with continuous data measurement and cloud-based storage, OneEvent has the proactive power to prevent property loss and injury.

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Find out more about how OneEvent® System can help you.

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